About Us
Get to know our team and the amazing projects we bring to the community!
Check out our projects, and what we do to help the community!
Our Projects
Project F.L.Y(Future Leaders in Youth) is a program that strives to empower and guide youth with practical, hands, and experiential workshops.
At the end of the year, we host The Perfect Pitch competition, a bilingual competition for high school students that introduces the core business functions, focusing on their entrepreneurial development.
The Legacy Conference is a student-run conference for young aspiring entrepreneurs. This “just do it” conference is where some of the most notable entrepreneurs teach you how they got started and give you tactical advice on growing a business.
Held annually in March, Legacy brings together students, entrepreneurs, industry experts and high-growth startups to inspire, empower and connect them.
Innovape is a social enterprise at Enactus uOttawa designed to address the waste-management gap for disposable e-cigarettes*.
Innovape aims to reduce environmental impact by implementing effective collection solutions and repurposing lithium-ion batteries into brand-new products - including portable chargers tailored for those constantly on the go.
Enactus uOttawa and Innovape neither condone nor endorse vaping; our focus is solely on addressing an existing issue.
Nupacko creates all-in-one, nutrient-dense biscuit that will combat food insecurity by supplementing six major nutrient deficiencies in our country. The biscuits are tasty “nutrient packs to go” designed and baked by the team to help you grow.